It was one of those 'whale soup' days - where we saw dozens of humpback whales all over the places gorging themselves on anchovies. 

Whales dining with a raft of sea lions for company

A sea otter enjoying a meal 

Why the photo of a seagull? Why not!

Pelicans sunning themselves

Whales around a raft of sea lions 

Whale watching can get colorful too!

Catching some air?

One of the tons of nettles and jellys in the area

There was a humpback diving in almost every minute!

Diving under the raft of sea lions

Synchronized diving, anyone?

A dive ...

and another dive .... 

and another .... 

A mola-mola (or ocean sunfish) sunning itself

The mola-mola up close

Pelicans on the way back to the dock

And tons of sea lions, as always, on the docks

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